In this SRPG, you will face enemies who are not only intelligent but also unpredictable, they are extremely dynamic in how they act for their survival at the cost of your own. If fought against when defending locations, they will get weaker, having less units and power for their future attacks. Eventually, an individual gang may become destroyed. But if left unchecked, they will get stronger. Locations will lose more and more resources until they fall apart into nothingness. With each day, you only have limited actions due to limited resources. They can choose to attack any location on the map they please, and the consequences of their actions will be felt throughout the game. Every choice you make matters fueling what and who is saved as the snow continues to fall. Some choices are small, but some will impact the rest of the story and how you survive. Will you be able to outsmart these criminals and survive? Only time will tell.
In this game, there are two modes. Normal, which gives 30 days until a normal ending. This is a story focused mode, with many things tied to it. There is also an infinite mode, only for those who wish to see how long they can last against the horde of gangs. There are 4 game difficulties to cater to many different tastes, from easy to very hard, which changes how strong enemy gangs are to how powerful each attack is. Develop Bonds with your crew. After every mission, there is time to talk to a crew member to understand them more. Every crew member has 11 ranks to progress with ranks that give them new abilities. Every rank increases the crew member’s stats and shows a piece of their story. There are 6 main endings in total, with many things made to make each map, each encounter, and every day fully dynamic and unique. No two playthroughs will be the same. There are many secrets to find and discover, making it great for playing it once, but very satisfying and rewarding with each new replay.
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